Photo Courtesy of Genius
Rating: 9.3/10
Love wasn’t the only thing in the air on Valentine’s Day. Sabrina Carpenter released the deluxe edition of her newest album, “Short n’ Sweet,” adding five new songs with a feature from Dolly Parton.
Each song feels like an appropriate addition to the album, touching on themes of love, heartbreak, rejection and other common pitfalls of modern dating. The deluxe keeps the album authentic to its name, reaching a playtime of just under 51 minutes.
The first deluxe song, “15 Minutes,” is a fun and catchy pop track imbued with Carpenter’s signature irony and cynicism. The main chorus is a true earworm and feels like a return to the more optimistic “recession pop” of the early 2010s.
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“Please Please Please (feat. Dolly Parton)” is an interesting take on the existing hit. The song uses a far more intimate and mellow acoustic guitar but still maintains some of the original’s pop synthesizer.
Parton is generally a welcome addition to the song and primarily remains in the background, allowing Carpenter’s talent and emotion to shine through. The verse that Parton sings without Sabrina feels awkward and is a thankfully short yet unpleasant part of the song.
“Couldn’t Make It Any Harder” is a noticeable departure from Carpenter’s traditional sound. The song features sad lyrics backed by the delicate strums of a guitar, more reminiscent of a classic country heartbreak single. The track still succeeds despite its uniqueness and acts as a standout of raw, unfiltered emotion on an album characterized by irony.
“Busy Woman” quickly returns to the album’s established atmosphere. The lyrics are particularly strong and detail the complications of unrequited love. Carpenter perfectly captures the complex dynamic of loving the idea of someone rather than loving the person. Her punchy lyrics perfectly depict how rejection often turns feelings of love or lust into hatred and resentment.
The final song, “Bad Reviews,” has Carpenter take off the mask of irony one last time. She plainly and honestly explains her mistakes and faults when choosing a romantic partner. She describes how she ignored red flags, lacked good judgment and begged to be with someone at the expense of her wellbeing. All of these themes resonate with the album as a whole.
Carpenter releasing this deluxe edition on Valentine’s Day was fitting. The album touches on the common feelings that arise on a complicated holiday, stirring up mixed emotions because of its emphasis on romantic relationships.
Overall, listening to “Short n’ Sweet’s” deluxe edition is similar to the feeling of swallowing cough syrup. An important, if bitter, message is disguised by a sweet exterior and bright colors that leave the listener better off.