Suspects attempt 3 robberies

By Charles Menchaca

Three related robberies took place within a one-mile radius of each other late Friday evening and early Saturday morning in Champaign, according to police reports.

The first incident took place at the zero block of Main Street at 11:45 p.m. Friday evening. According to the report, a 49-year-old man was standing by his vehicle with two pizzas when an unknown suspect reportedly put a gun to his head. The suspect attempted to rob him of cash but fled when other people approached.

The suspect was described as a five-foot-six black man in his twenties weighing approximately 150 pounds. Witnesses said he wore a black leather jacket and dark jeans. He was also described as having a flattop crew cut.

Another incident occurred at the same block on Main Street two hours later. According to a police report, a 20-year-old man and another victim with no available information were confronted in a parking lot by two black male suspects. The suspects took the victims’ cell phones at gunpoint.

The next incident occurred at the 100 block of East John Street at 2:55 a.m. According to the report, an unknown black male suspect approached a 20-year-old man, pointed a gun to his chest and demanded cash. When the man refused to give the suspect his money, he was struck on the head with the gun. The suspect then proceeded to flee the scene, during which time two cell phones fell out of his pocket. Both cell phones have been confirmed as being taken from earlier robberies. In the report, the suspect is described as a 20-year-old black man weighing approximately 150 pounds. He was also described as having black hair, brown eyes and crooked teeth.

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Officer Kristina Benton wrote all of the related reports. Neither Benton nor the Champaign Police Department were available for comment.

No arrest had been made at the time of this report.