Tuesday at seven marked the first in a series of weekly workshops sponsored by the Counseling Center Paraprofessional Program. Tuesdays at 7 is both a group counseling session and discussion open to all University of Illinois students. The workshop is organized by student counselors hoping to cover a variety of issues that will vary from week to week.
CCP counselor and U of I senior, Roenen Ben-ami says they pick discussion topics that are relevant to students on this campus.
“There is some lecturing involved but it’s mostly communicating with other people who are in the workshop and doing activities to grow and develop in whatever topic we are talking about.”
Last night’s workshop discussed the issue of long term relationships.
“It’s gonna be looking at advantages and disadvantages of being in a long-distance relationship and then talking about ways to keep a long-distance relationship going. Main focus is communications skills and what can go wrong in a long distance relationship.”
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Ben-ami said that it’s important for students to be around peers who are in the same situation as them. He encourages everyone to come out tonight even if they are not in a long distance relationship. The workshop is held on the fourth floor of the Illini Union at seven pm.