James Kilgore may now teach at the University again if academic units want to rehire him.
The Board of Trustees discussed the reappointment of the former African American studies professor at its Thursday meeting.
The discussion held a wide set of viewpoints regarding the issue, including direct support of Kilgore’s reemployment at the University.
“What this means is that the units that might want to employ Kilgore are free to do so,” said Robin Kaler, campus spokeswoman.
The board has traditionally not been involved in part-time and adjunct faculty hiring decisions, despite the fact that it has a responsibility to act on tenure-track faculty and permanent staff hiring decisions.
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As a result, the Board of Trustees have called on President Robert Easter to develop a clear policy to guide future hiring decisions for part-time and adjunct staff on all campuses of the University.
Meanwhile, all University chancellors and provosts are expected to continue acting under their hiring practices for such positions.
The board expects the president’s report on hiring to be presented to the board and its committee meetings in January.
Faraz can be reached at famirza2@dailyillini.com.