“Crocodiles, now that Steve Irwin isn’t around to protect us.”
-Sophie Doroba
Junior in LAS
“Individuals trying to pursue their ideological beliefs forcibly around the world.”
-Chime Asonye
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Junior in LAS
“The draft, because so many of our young men and women are going to war.”
-Elaine Compton
Freshman in ACES
“The liberal media, because in a state of war, we shouldn’t be bashing the President all the time.”
-Erin Jones
Junior in LAS
“Apathy about issues that have been raised but haven’t really hit home with the American people yet.”
-Julianne Chiu
Junior in Communications
“Ignorance. For example, racial profiling tries to single out Muslims but really they’re just singling out Middle Eastern culture.”
-Dev Sethi
Senior in LAS
“The fact that we’re still living in fear five years later. Things haven’t been solved.”
-Priya Kumar
Junior in LAS
“The lack of people who are selfless in providing health care in a more humane and less business-like manner.”
-Alka Gupta
Senior in LAS
“The danger of becoming too paranoid and too self-concerned.”
-Jenny Mitchell
Senior in LAS
“That we’re not united as a country on how to deal with problems. It makes us weaker as a nation.”
-Shuchi Kapoor
Junior in LAS