For most, college is a fresh start — a chance to assert independence and get away from the careful watch of mom and dad. When heading off for their first year of school, many college kids claim they won’t come back unless it is for Christmas or Thanksgiving break; but as the years pass and the stress hits, heading home for the weekend is a luxury every college student should take advantage of.
And it’s one many of us do, judging by the ghost town that was our campus this past Easter weekend. I, along with a large number of other University students who celebrate the holiday, went home to spend some much needed time with our families before the stress of finals kicks in.
I believe that all students who are able would benefit from taking some time off from the chaos of college life and heading home throughout the year to relieve stress and maintain family bonds. While I also understand that international students and students from out of state cannot go home as easily, regular Skype sessions and phone calls could have a similar effect.
When we enter college as freshmen, many of us are told by RAs, older friends and professors to stay on campus until Thanksgiving. They say staying on campus will help with feelings of homesickness and allow students to make more friends and memories. While I do agree that students should not go home every single weekend, I do not agree that students should feel like they can’t go home because they’ll suffer from the fear of missing out.
Last Easter, I was not able to go home because I had multiple exams on the Monday following that weekend. While all of my friends packed their bags and went to spend time with their families, I was forced to sit in my sorority house alone, studying and wishing I was at our annual family Easter party.
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Looking back, I regret making the decision to give up family time to stay in Champaign. While it would have been difficult to get in both quality studying and family time all during that one weekend, I could have started my studying earlier and avoided the issue.
But other weekends also have value. I have always been notorious for going home on random weekends throughout the year, and I can confidently say it has helped with my stress management.
When students are feeling overwhelmed, a trip to their hometown, complete with sleeping in their own bed, eating their mom’s homemade lasagna, not having to wear flip flops in the shower and bonding with their siblings should be enough to reinstate a sense of peace in their lives.
Being in a familiar environment surrounded by loved ones should remind students that there are more important things in life than the latest campus drama, getting a C on a Spanish test and being dumped by that person you were kind-of-sort-of seeing. For me, going home puts things in perspective.
The University and freshman seminar classes need to do a better job of squashing the idea that going home on random weekends throughout the year is the reason some students have social issues in college. Though this is a misconception held by many, I’ve found that it’s untrue. There will always be another party, event or game on another weekend. If we made our decisions on when we went home based on if there is something we should miss out on that weekend on campus, we would never ever go home.
There is always a choice and a sacrifice to be made.
But, in the end, I believe missing one of the 50 parties or one of the many sporting events that happen every semester is worth all of the relaxation one gains from heading home for the weekend. After spending time with family I haven’t seen in months and taking a trip to my favorite local Mexican restaurant, I feel more than ready to take my finals this semester.
There should not be any shame in going home for a weekend while in college. College is an extremely stressful four years for young adults, and we should strive to do anything we can to eliminate unnecessary stress in our lives.
So if you are contemplating whether or not to go see your mom who has been calling you non-stop asking when you will be back, consider taking the time to make a visit. There is no better way to rejuvenate a person than the familiar taste of home.
Home really is where the heart is.
Rebecca is a junior in LAS. She can be reached at kapolne2@dailyillini.com.