Quad Day – the day of exciting performances, overwhelming crowds and awe-inspiring student organizations at every corner.
Amid the athletic clubs trying to recruit star players, the educational fraternities trying to attract brilliant brains and the artistic groups trying to inspire the creative to join, stand the many volunteering organizations.
For many students, volunteering is anything that involves helping others, or simply raising funds for an important cause. Many do not realize the vast opportunities our campus organizations offer.
Out of all the organizations out there, students are bound to find the service organization that best fits their interests.
Whether they are looking for an organization that will allow them to gain life-long friends or give them the opportunity to perform community service through traveling, the University has a number of organizations with different focuses.
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The biggest service organization on campus, Alpha Phi Omega, is a national coeducational service fraternity that has been serving the community since 1932. Alpha Phi Omega focuses on the objectives of sharing, growing, improving and investing.
Specifically, the Alpha Alpha chapter of Alpha Phi Omega at the University is recognized as one of the largest chapters in the nation.
For an in-depth volunteer experience, Illinois Alternative Seasonal Breaks provide a more holistic approach to service and educate students about social, political and environmental issues.
Instead of spending breaks by going on personal vacations, Alternative Seasonal Breaks allow students to spend their breaks giving back and participating in various service activities.
Students can travel nationwide during fall, winter, spring and summer breaks and participate through organizations such as the Appalachia Service Project, Heifer International and Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is a national organization that provides children with mentors that truly care about their potential and futures.
The children were statistically proven to perform better in school, behave better at home and avoid situations involving violence and substance abuse, according to the organization’s website.
The branch at the University allows students to tailor their volunteering experience to their schedule and interests.
Similarly, Illini Mentor Program has a concentration on educating future leaders. Members mentor at Prairie Elementary School and Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club.
If you are particularly passionate about a specific cause, there are organizations such as Colleges Against Cancer, EYESee UIUC, Habitat for Humanity, Illini Fighting Hunger and Illini Service Dogs – some of which are more focused on fundraising than direct community service.
Though Quad Day may seem like it features organizations that are each catered toward one particular interest, just remember that service organizations bring all types of people and interests together.
Jaini is a junior in Business.