Cassidy Brandt
When undergoing a big life change (such as moving out of the country for college), it is very possible that well-intentioned friends, family and even distant acquaintances will offer unsoliscited, repetitive advice wracked with cliches. This can certainly become irritating, especially after the third or fourth time around. But, speaking from experience, there is truth to be found in cliches – surprisingly enough – and choosing one of these to be your personal mantra throughout the year can’t hurt.
Only time will tell
When first arriving at the University, it can be hard to gauge what life as a student here will look like for the years ahead. Finding a place for oneself and adjusting to a new routine can be challenging to say the least. This institution and the community around it offers many avenues through which to become involved, and it is very possible no two students are exactly the same in what their University career entails. A certain activity, organization, group or hobby is bound to stick. Once it does, it can set the rest in motion. Be patient, go forth and try new things. After all, you’re already outside of your comfort zone just by being here, why not kick it up a notch?
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
College is oftentimes the first place where the waters of quasi-independence are tread for the first time in a young person’s life. That being said, it is not without its challenges. When creating a nearly new life away from home, it is important to make the best of setbacks that can arise along the way. Loneliness is a part of life away from home rarely talked about but often felt. Use the time alone which University life provides as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and cultivate your independence.
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Time flies
Before you know it, once the boxes are unpacked and the dust has cleared, after a blur of classes, meetings, parties, sports games and everything in between, you will be leaving this campus at the end of the year. It is hard to notice the moments are fleeting at times. But, as Ferris Bueller said, every once in a while, stop and take a look around. Document these feelings and these moments for your later self. Journal, take photos, tattoo a saying on your arm (don’t hold me responsible though). You’ll soon come to realize that college moves pretty fast, don’t miss it.
Home is where the heart is
It may sound silly, but this one is the truest of all. At first, with the people you grew up around miles and miles away, it can feel as though your heart is far from you. That is why it is important to give parts of your heart to the people around you during your time here, and find something which you love to do, no matter what it may be, to sustain you while loved ones are far away. This University is like any other challenge in life; if your heart isn’t in it, it won’t be worthwhile.