Madeline Pierce
At The Daily Illini, we are proud of every edition we produce. However, we take special pride as journalists in being able to produce the Salary Guide. While the Salary Guide is full of beautifully designed graphics and carefully captured photos — the information inside is what makes this guide so important.
What is the Salary Guide?
The Salary Guide itself is put together by The Daily Illini, and it contains employee salaries from the three campuses in the University of Illinois system. Employees include anyone from civil service staff, academic professional staff and any additional faculty. We receive raw data to sift through to create the Salary Guide online and compile what we believe is interesting for the print version. If you are interested in the raw data we work with for the Salary Guide, it is also linked to the University of Illinois website.
What is not included in the Salary Guide?
It is important to note this guide does not include any changes in salaries made throughout the year. Changes in salaries could include, but not limited to: unpaid leave, overtime and mid-year promotions. It also does not include graduate assistant, pre-doctoral fellow, academic or grad hourly, summer appointment, medical resident, student retiree or unpaid.
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What is the Freedom of Information Act?
The Freedom of Information Act allows the public to request access to any federal agency records. Anyone can make a FOIA request. Federal agencies are in charge of responding to their own FOIA requests.
Public demand
The Salary Guide is consistently a top-viewed page on The Daily Illini website. While many views come from the Champaign-Urbana area, it is also viewed in other places around the state and country. We even get views from around the world. It is clear the Salary Guide is demanded by the public, and The Daily Illini will continue to serve this demand.
Why we do this
While it is not only fun to look up how much your professor makes, it is much more than the salaries themselves. The Salary Guide is able to keep the University of Illinois transparent. Because the UI system is public, salaries are paid by taxpayers’ dollars, so it’s incredibly important the Illinois public has access to this information.
Overall, it is clear the Salary Guide is an incredibly important publication we produce every fall. Here at The Daily Illini, we are proud of the work we produce and are proud to be able to provide the public with this information.
The Salary Guide can be found on The Daily Illini’s website. The entire database can be found online at salaryguide.dailyillini.com..
At The Daily Illini, we are proud of every edition we produce. However, we take special pride as journalists in being able to produce the Salary Guide. While the Salary Guide is full of beautifully designed graphics and carefully captured photos — the information inside is what makes this guide so important.
What is the Salary Guide
The Salary Guide itself is put together by The Daily Illini and it contains employee salaries from the three campuses in the University of Illinois System. Employees include anyone from civil service staff, academic professional staff and any additional faculty. We receive raw data to sift through in order to create the Salary Guide online and compile what we believe would be interesting for the print version. If you are interested in the raw data we work with for the Salary Guide, it is also linked to the University of Illinois website.