Column: Just another manic Sunday

By Josh Purse

For a game that is usually more spectacle than spectacular, at least this year’s Super Bowl was intriguing. In no particular order, here are some of my most interesting musings from Jacksonville … er … my living room couch.

Cubs and Bears fans, how bad do you want to strangle the whole city of Boston right now?

Tom Brady won his third championship in four years and has still never lost a playoff game. Plus, he would fit in as well on the cover of an Abercrombie catalogue as he does in the Patriots huddle. Those facts, along with the break-up of Hollywood’s super couple, nudge Brady past Brad Pitt to become No. 1 on the “Girls Want Him, Guys Want To Be Him” list.

I think we should start referring to Pats linebacker Tedy Bruschi as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Bruschi. The guy was goofing around with his kids in the pre-game, but once the first whistle blew, he managed to morph himself into his usual crazed on-the-field alter ego. Maybe his locker is inside a phone booth or he downs a huge can of spinach before taking the field – whatever it is, it’s an awesome transformation to watch.

Eagles receiver Terrell Owens has big hands. And he has an even bigger mouth. But both of those body parts pale in comparison to the size of his heart. Don’t let the fact that the Eagles lost diminish Owens’ heroic performance. It’s on the same level of the magic act Michael Jordan performed when he spilled 38 on the Jazz in Game 5 of the 1997 Finals.

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The Eagles two-minute offense looked more like a two-hour offense. Mark Grace could have rounded the bases twice – wearing concrete blocks in place of cleats – on a rainy day at Wrigley in the amount of time in took the Eagles to call a play and get to the line. Seriously it was like watching Sergio Garcia adjust his grip 50 times before each swing. The good thing for Sergio (and the bad thing for the Eagles) is football has a play clock and golf doesn’t.

Paul McCartney gave us a really fun and entertaining halftime show. But, wasn’t it just a little strange to have a Brit rocking out at the most American of sports contests? It’s sort of like if Guns N’ Roses were to perform between sets of a championship match at Wimbledon.

One thing’s for sure though, Super Bowl XXXIX did not turn into Janet Jacksonville. Last year’s breast-flashing halftime diva was conspicuously absent on a Sunday that also happened to fall right in the middle of Mardi Gras – a festival famous for…breast flashing. Coincidence? You decide.

Maybe you can thank Sports Illustrated for providing a competitive game. The magazine’s two issues leading up to the Super Bowl featured the Eagles and the Patriots respectively. Thus, the cover curse was negated and the teams actually had to duke it out for the right to bear rings.

The Eagles have an excellent kicker in David Akers. Now all they need is an onside kicker. Akers’ attempt was uglier than a Darius Miles jumper.

Thank god for instant replay. If that officiating crew was the best the NFL has to offer, it’s only a matter of time before officials are replaced with robots.

I might induce vomiting if I hear the word dynasty one more time.

And finally, oh wait … I gotta run. ESPN just started its pre-game coverage of Super Bowl XL (as in 40, not Shaq’s jersey size).