Redshirt looks to next year

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By Ian Gold

What has it been like redshirting this season?

It’s been kind of frustrating. It’s not really too bad anymore; I’m starting to get used to it. I am working hard at practice, and I’m still part of the team.

What is something that people don’t know about you?

That I enjoy cooking; that’s the best I can think of.

What’s your favorite part of campus?

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Assembly hall, we have our games, and it gets packed.

What was the recruiting pitch that sold you on Illinois?

The players that they had coming in, the prospect of being No.1 like we are now. That combined with my sister being here and knowing people in the area.

If you could have lunch with two people from history who would they be?

These are pretty in-depth questions, huh? Martin Luther King Jr. and my grandpa Randle who I never got the chance to meet.

Which teammate would be funniest on a reality show?

I have to say James, on the Surreal Life.

If you could be the CEO of any company, which would you choose?

I am going to go with Lexus; that’s my favorite car.

Which “bad guy” character in a movie do you dislike most?

I really didn’t like Ben Stiller in Dodgeball. There was just something about his personality in that movie; he played it so well, and I didn’t like him at all.

If you had unlimited anything, what would it be?

Money, have to go with money.

What should somebody going to Peoria for the first time not miss?

I really don’t know, Peoria is not overly exciting, but probably the riverfront in the summertime. They have various concerts and stuff going on.

If you found a genie, what would be your three wishes?

One would be unlimited money; two, the clich‚ thing is world peace; three, just a happy family.

At the start of next season it will have been almost two years since the fans have seen you play, what do you think has changed about your game that will surprise them most?

I would say shooting, but that’s still in the process. I think decision making, if people pay attention to that.

What is your favorite Weber story?

I can’t think of any particular stories. But the weird sound effects he makes when he is telling us plays. He makes high-pitched woooos, stuff like that, weird noises.

If you could be the spokesman for any product, what would it be?

You really have to think about these, for one product. The Read to Achieve program for the NBA.

How would the commercial look?

The commercial would be a typical thing, it would show me reading to a kid, then show somebody else. Finally, it would come back to me explaining how education is important.