I would like to clarify a couple of points made in the Tuesday, Feb. 17, Editorial titled “Petition should ask us for more than our names.” First, I think it is important to clarify for students that Altered 22 Illini is not changing the campus that was determined by students several years ago.
If a student never leaves Campustown, they will never notice any change in their 22 Illini service.
Instead, for those students up at Capstone Quarters, there will be better service to the campus area.
More importantly, the MTD has been responsive to campus concerns with this change by making the one slight alteration that may be able to open the door to a Park and Ride system down the road.
This system would alleviate pressure on campus parking and aid in campus safety by helping to reduce the number of cars on campus.
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Second, the reason for the Illinois Student Senate’s existence is to serve as a relative sample of the UIUC student community.
With representatives from every college and institution, these students serve their constituencies when they vote for resolutions that come before them.
As such, I feel the MTD did an excellent job reaching out to this representative portion of the student body.
Just as the United States Senate serves as a cross section of America because it is impossible to talk to all the millions of Americans on every single issue, so too does the Illinois Student Senate serve the Urbana campus.
Finally, I feel that the representation that the Editorial Board is requesting exists in the current system.
Maybe you did not get to vote on this particular Senate resolution, but signing the petition and/or voting for or against the fee increase is the way the students on this campus get their voice.
Everyone has the ability to affect change on this campus, and it will be coming on March 3 and 4.
It is unrealistic to think representatives from MTD can sit with everyone on campus, so voice your opinion through the ballot you cast.
Agree or disagree with the new system, the opportunity to speak out is coming very soon.