Police blotter for Jan. 22, 2015


— Burglary from a motor vehicle was reported at Target, 2102 N. Prospect Ave., around 7 p.m. Saturday.

According to the report, the offender broke into the victim’s vehicle and stole a Macbook Pro laptop. 


— A student reported luggage missing from a Suburban Express bus around 5:30 p.m. Monday.

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According to the report, the luggage and its contents has an estimated value of $800. 

— A University employee reported a University-owned tablet computer stolen from Bousfield Hall around 10 p.m. Friday.

According to the report, the computer has an estimated value of $399. 


— Disorderly conduct was reported at Urbana Early Childhood School, 2202 E. Washington Ave., around 4 p.m. Tuesday.

According to the report, the offender became upset when she was not allowed to pick up a child from school. The child was sent home on the bus.

Compiled by Katherine Boncher