Seniors describe what they will miss most about University
May 5, 2015
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Mayuri Parmar
Senior in LAS
1. Being around people who are interested in similar things. It’s easy to find groups with people who can relate to you, especially in RSOs.
2. Living close to my friends. It’s a tight-knit community, and if I want to see my friends, I don’t have to drive. Everything is close by, less than a mile away.
3. Campus in general. Think it’s really pretty, I’ll miss sitting on the Quad when the weather is nice.
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4. How cheap going out is here.
5. How a lot of things are free all the time, like (going to) the ARC.
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Chris Liberio
Senior in Engineering
1. Friends. I’ve made friends from all over the world, including California and India. Everyone will move back after graduation.
2. Classes. I’m lucky enough to be in one of the top five engineering schools in the country and learn from some of the best professors in the country.
3. Basketball games. I’ve had a lot of fun going to basketball games with friends, getting loud and cheering for the Illini.
4. Availability of resources. It’s something that a lot of engineering students take for granted. There’s an innovation lab, access to power tools of any kind and access to 3-D printers.
5. College environment and atmosphere. Being constantly surrounded by thousands of people our age. It’s really cool to easily make friends wherever you go. To be able to walk down the hall of your dorm or apartment and hang out with a friend you met a couple weeks ago is a cool experience.
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Namita Parikh
Senior in LAS
1. Quad Day. I’ve been there all four years. It’s a lot of fun to see new freshmen coming in and walking around seeing clubs and organizations each year. It’s nice to walk around with friends and enjoy the day.
2. Organizations that I’ve been a part of. I’m in Indian Student Association, Psychology Club and an occupational therapy organization. I was in Habitat for Humanity for a year. I made some of my closest friends in Indian Student Association.
3. Going out on a college campus on weekends and hanging out with friends here. It won’t get to happen on a regular basis in the real world. Everything’s cheap here. The real world will be work, work, work all the time.
4. Sitting outside on the quad on nice days and studying. I’ll miss sitting with friends and hanging out when we’re supposed to be studying. I usually end up sunbathing or napping on the quad.
5. Pulling all-nighters at Grainger and trying to rent out the rooms. It’s hard to find tables during finals week, but good grades on finals pay off.