Alyssa Shih
An attendee of the March for Science demonstration signs an emailing list on Friday, March 7.

Alyssa Shih
A demonstrator holds a sign advocating for science funding at the March for Science on Friday, March 7.

James Hoeck
Asher Hudson, former research scientist at the University speaks in front of Alma Matter for the march for science protest. Hudson shared with the crowd of attendees that he was let go from his position at the University and that funding towards scientists employees will continue to diminish.

James Hoeck
Protestors share a smile with each other as they stand in a crowd in front of Alma Matter prior to marching.

James Hoeck
Protestors crowd in front of Alma Matter with signs and flags—many going against the current political power and figures within the United States such as, Donald Trump, Elon Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

James Hoeck
Protestors gather together before marching in advocacy for science and the continuation of its funding as actions from the University and United States government moves to cut down on finance towards the field.

Vasumathi Urs-Juffa
Protesters at Alma Mater listening to speakers before the “Stand Up For Science” march begins on March 7.

James Hoeck
Protestors tune in to a speech from a speaker at Alma Matter as they hold signs and flags.

James Hoeck
A protestors raises their sign in the air stating “Science will save your life“ with a disclaimer beneath on what is at risk with defunding.

James Hoeck
A demonstrator gathers cardboard for attendees to write on before they begin their march around campus.

James Hoeck
Shaun Dickey holds up a sign among the crowd of rally attendees. Shaun exemplified the local community presence present at the demonstration. Dickey was born and raised in Champaign and attended the rally to represent his belied in the power of science, “I believe in the power of science to change our society for the better."

James Hoeck
Champaign school board candidate Justin Michael Hendrix walks down W. Green Street after speaking at the demonstration in front of Alma Matter.

Vasumathi Urs-Juffa
A protester on the Main Quad leads chants while yelling into a megaphone at the “Stand Up For Science” march.

Alyssa Shih
A student holds up a sign in support of science on Friday, March 7 during the March for Science. The demonstration drew students, faculty, and community members of all backgrounds from biology to engineering to healthcare.

Alyssa Shih
Participants of the March for Science protest walk past Foellinger Auditorium. The demonstration drew numbers of attendees who sought to show support for science and research as well as themes of diversity and an aversion to the President Donald Trump's administration's ideology.

Vasumathi Urs-Juffa
Protesters passionately yelling while leading the “Stand Up For Science” march on at the South Quad.

Alyssa Shih
Attendees of the March for Science demonstration hold signs supporting science, diversity, and federal funding of research as well as signs of aversion against United States President Donald Trump.

Vasumathi Urs-Juffa
Protesters passionately yelling at the “Stand Up For Science” march at the South Quad.

Vasumathi Urs-Juffa
A protester at the South Quad addressing the crowd of protesters at the “Stand Up For Science” march on March 7.