The Main Quad offers a prime space for people to engage in any activity imaginable, providing avid people-watchers hours of entertainment.
Spanning roughly eight blocks, the Main Quad’s central location in the heart of campus sets anyone and everyone up for success, regardless of their entertainment preferences.
It’s not uncommon to find groups of people playing instruments just a few feet away from students playing Spikeball when the weather is accommodating. Even on the coldest of days, people can be seen gathering together and building snowmen.
However, this doesn’t mean devoted Main Quad goers are always engaging in activities. A quick stroll through the zigzagged walkways intersecting the Main Quad can reveal just as many people content to sit and keep to themselves.
The best part about having such an active place on campus is that you aren’t required to join in; you can enjoy watching the hustle and bustle from the sidelines with just as much fulfillment.
If you need to get out and get involved but aren’t up to doing much, people-watching at the Main Quad will be right up your alley.