Q and A with Rod Sickler

Emily Widmer, junior in LAS, gets her hair cut by Rod Sickler, stylist and owner of Rod Sickler Salon and Spa in Champaign, during Spa Night at CRCE on Wednesday. Suzanne Stelmasek
April 17, 2006
Rod Sickler loves what he does for a living. A central Illinois native, Sickler recently opened a salon and spa in Champaign. His other salon in Rantoul opened 21 years ago. Sickler prides himself as an international and award-winning stage artist – he has performed in shows throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Scandinavia, and Central and South America. Quoted regularly on television and radio, and in magazine articles, Sickler is licensed as both a hair stylist and a barber, with an advanced degree from Vidal Sassoon Academy in London. I sat down with Rod in his Champaign salon last week to ask a few questions.
Q: How did you get into the hairstyling business?
A: Even when I was a small child, I always loved getting my hair cut. I knew even then that this was what I wanted to do. The first person to cut my hair was my baseball and basketball coach, and he was also my Sunday school teacher, so he had a great impact on my life.
Q: Did you ever want to do anything else?
A: It’s funny – I thought I wanted to be an actor for some time, but once I got into hairstyling, I never got out. Now I act as a hobby. The greatest thing about my job is that I can travel and do shows all over the world. I can pursue both passions at the same time.
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Q: So where exactly did you grow up?
A: I grew up in a tiny town in central Illinois. It’s called Ludlow. It has a population of about 400.
Q: Wow. So do you think coming from a small town sets you apart from other hairstylists when you are traveling to do shows all over the world?
A: Yes. Definitely. As much I love to travel and meet new people and go to new places, I’m glad to have firm small-town values. It keeps me grounded.
Q: What would you say is the best part of your job?
A: The chance to travel throughout the world and work with hairdressers all over the country. I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with two world-championship hairdressers.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: I would like to continue with shows. Every year is a new challenge. I also want to continue opening salons in the central Illinois area. I want to grow not only for myself but for my staff.
Q: What do you think makes Champaign different from Chicago and other large cities you’ve worked in?
A: Champaign is a great city. I feel strongly about bringing modern techniques here. We don’t have to be behind the curve like many small towns. We can be on top of them.
Q: All right, last question: What is your favorite thing about working here in Champaign?
A: The great thing about my salon being so close to the University is that a lot of my clients are from Chicago so they know what’s new and hip. U of I has been so supportive. I plan on doing my event at CRCE two to three times a year, because I feel it’s a great way to give back to the University. Plus – I just like being surrounded by girls all day!