Outdoor Adventure Club ’hikes’ up student happiness

Photo courtesy of the Outdoor Adventure Club Website

Members of the Outdoor Adventure Club enjoy their time at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for one of their trips in 2021. Matt Paliwada, a graduate student in Engineering, and other members talk about the RSO’s recent trip to the Shawnee National Forest in February.

By Aidan Finn, Staff Writer

Past a bunch of tree branches in a brown, leaf-ridden forest floor and on top of an uncharted stretch of hills, the view of the 265,000-acre Shawnee National Forest becomes clear.

For a band of student explorers on a long trip away from Champaign, the forest was a great camping ground for the members of the Outdoor Adventure Club. 

From endeavors that range from local nature trails to multi-day desert treks, the Outdoor Adventure Club is a student-run exploration group on campus. The club provides students with opportunities to get outside and meet other people at the University who have the same desire to adventure in nature. 

Lisa Silverstein, sophomore in LAS and board member of the club, described the cheerful vibes of the campers during their trip to the Shawnee National Forest. She also detailed the drive behind the OAC’s adventures into the wilderness. 

“I think we have a great group of people together,” Silverstein said. “Outdoor adventure club provides a really great way to take a break and reset from school. I think by getting off campus, being in nature, just doing other stuff is a great way to maintain low levels of stress, and feel refreshed after it.” 

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The group sends a weekly newsletter inviting all people interested in participating in their coming weekend getaways. Regarding expenses, the OAC does not have a registration fee — the only costs being a booking fee paid for each individual trip and the money spent on individual supplies.

Gabe Tavas, senior in FAA, enjoys the easy, recreational fun provided by the club. 

“I’m enjoying it a lot actually,” Tavas said. “I haven’t been out to Shawnee before, it’s nice just being out here for the weekend.” 

The Shawnee trip took campers on a three-hour drive south of Champaign for an overnight campout on a hilltop after a several-mile hike. The trek was not short of mud, fallen trees, ruined walkways and enormous icicles that dangled off of cliff sides. 

Sophie Speedy, senior in Economics, brought optimism to the hike and said she sees the organization as her excuse to follow her outdoor passions. 

“I’ve always wanted to get into the outdoors stuff, but I never felt I was prepared or safe enough to do it on my own,” Speedy said. “There’s a lot of really smart people who’ve gone on a lot of trips so they know what they’re doing, and they also organize all of it.” 

Basil Habiballah, freshman in LAS, is a frequent OAC adventurer and has enjoyed learning about new outdoor experiences like backpacking and winter camping. 

“It wasn’t anything shocking, but it was really cool to carry all the things you need to survive for a day on your back and walk into the woods,” Habiballah said. 

David Young, senior in Engineering and social chair board member of OAC, shared his ideas of the club’s core mission. 

“It gives you a real different experience than just staying on campus,” Young said. “You meet a lot of new people from a lot of different backgrounds, people from all over the world.” 

Young said he found the club an ideal way to get out of one’s comfort zone, and a source of his most fond memories at the University. 

“My very first trip was spring break of my freshman year,” Young said. “We went to Arizona for a week, did a little bit of backpacking and day hiking. I am never going to forget that trip, I loved the people that were there.” 
