Students fly across Main Quad: Zip line set up on campus

Sydney Laput

Desiree Myles, freshman in DGS, begins to zip line across on the Main Quad on Tuesday. The zip line was offered to students as a part of the Last Chance week.

By Rebecca Oriza, Staff Writer

Late Tuesday afternoon, a pickup truck was seen pulling a cable with a mini-tower on wheels out onto the Main Quad. The cable and tower was a mini zipline, and by 4 p.m., the first of the long line that had formed was able to strap in and fly across the Main Quad. 

Even though each ride was roughly five seconds, it was a fun experience for over 100 people who got to zoom down the line. Some got creative, going backward, legs wide open or just shouting funny sayings.  

After waiting in line for over an hour, Kelly Vernas, sophomore in Engineering, got her chance to enjoy a quick ride down.

I thought it was fun and I was cool,” Vernas said. “I didn’t expect to do zip lining on a college campus like I’ve done it before, but it’s a different thing.”

Desireé Myles, freshman in DGS, got to experience zip lining for the very first time.

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“I was scared, a little nervous, but I got over it and really enjoyed it,” Myles.

Nevin Adams, freshman in AHS, said the University should hold more events similar to the zip line. 

“I think it would be good for the University to do more activities like this,” Adams said. “I think it’s good they’re doing activities since it’s warm out.  

The credit for the day’s fun goes to the Illini Union Board, who has been planning the event well in advance to make sure they have the necessary resources to bring the unique experience to campus. 

The board is made of student volunteers who run and manage activities for students. The activities are partially funded by an activity fee that students pay with their tuition. 

The zip line was part of Last Chance week, a series of activities planned by the board before finals and graduation. A similar event was a speaker session with “The Office” cast members, Leslie David Baker and Kate Flannery.

Standing by the door of the tower to let people up was Erika Fernanda Wieting, senior in LAS and the vice president of internal affairs for the Illini Union Board. 

“We wanted to give students a way to relax, especially seniors to get to do some fun stuff before they graduate,” Wieting said.


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