Almost two weeks after Zorba’s owner Matt Mortenson called 911 after spotting smoke above his restaurant, the future of his business is still unclear.
Mortenson has been busy cleaning up the restaurant, throwing out food and other items damaged by water, he said.
He hopes to rebuild, but is unsure of when that effort would get underway.
“I would hope to rebuild but am on hold, waiting for insurance people, architects, (the) property owner, etc.,” Mortenson said in an e-mail. “As far as I know, my landlord will help me rebuild, but it’s too early yet to say for sure how this will play out.”
Mortenson described his lack of control in the situation as “not a very comforting feeling” but wanted to thank his supporters helping him through the crisis.
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“(There has) been an amazing wave of support from fans of Zorba’s, very genuine, heartfelt care and concern, and I’m riding that wave as I deal with all this craziness,” he said.
Zorba’s had been at 627 E. Green St. since 1973, and Mortenson had worked there since 1982 and became an owner in 1997.