President plans leadership talk
March 29, 2005
When University President B. Joseph White took office on January 31, he emphasized how important he felt student-administration interaction is. Tonight students will have their first opportunity to converse with him.
White will be speaking to the University community about leadership responsibilities and roles in a program called “Leading by Example” at Foellinger Auditorium at 6 p.m. Brooks Moore, director of the Registered Student Organizations office, said White will give a presentation and then give students the chance to ask questions.
“It will be a conversation between the president and University students,” Moore said. “It’s not too often that students have the opportunity to meet the president while he is talking about the students.”
Brandon Vaughn, senior in LAS and intern at the Leadership Center, said White will address several topics during his speech, including the tasks he has completed in his first 90 days as president and the challenges and opportunities he has faced. He will also give ideas on how students can apply different skills to leadership roles, Vaughn said.
“He’s going to talk about the role of the student in the University community and the contributions students can make,” Moore said. “He’ll also ask for feedback and input on how he can be the best president for the University of Illinois.”
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The program was organized and sponsored by the Illini Union and the Leadership Center.
“We approached him about it, knowing that President White has demonstrated great leadership ability,” Moore said. “We thought it would be a great opportunity to speak to student leaders and he gladly accepted.”
Vaughn said the organizers are anticipating high attendance.
“Our goal is to have 800 students. We should come pretty close to that,” he said. “Students don’t usually have the opportunity to address the president. This is a chance to ask questions about what direction they’d like to see the University go and what responsibilities he has as president.”
Lauren Mueller, sophomore in applied life studies and vice president of member development in the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, said she hopes the program will help her to gain ideas on how to become a better leader.
“I look forward to what he has to say and find out how to be able to incorporate his ideas into my life and my position in my sorority,” Mueller said. “Good leadership is the foundation for progress.”
Moore said he hopes students take advantage of this rare presentation.
“It’s an exciting opportunity that students don’t get too often,” he said. “(President White) has a real interest in students.”
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Free tickets are available at Ticket Central in the Illini Union or at the Assembly Hall Box Office. Students must present their University ID card at the door.