Students crowd TVs to watch ‘Family Guy’
May 2, 2005
Many University students tuned in Sunday night to see the long-awaited return of new episodes of Family Guy, the adult-oriented cartoon show on Fox.
Family Guy, which features the Griffin family of Quahog, R.I., was created by Emmy-award-winning animator Seth MacFarlane six years ago and has developed a cult following, including a Family Guy group on a popular Web site geared towards college students – Thefacebook.
Sunday’s episode, the first new episode in three years, featured Brian the family dog and Stewie the baby playing parents to children Meg and Chris. As a subplot, Peter (the dad) and Lois (the mom) tried to destroy the film reel of Mel Gibson’s new movie The Passion of the Christ II: Crucify This while on their second honeymoon.
Students said they enjoyed Sunday’s episode.
“It was really funny,” remarked Santiago Amador, a University graduate student and an officer in the Family Guy facebook group.ÿ
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Amador, who has watched every episode and can quote all the dialogue, said he has been anticipating the new episode for the last six months. He brought some friends over to his place Sunday to watch the new episode.
Amador said his favorite part of the show came at the beginning, when Peter took a jab at Fox Television by naming about 20 different shows that have failed during the time the Family Guy was canceled and brought back to the network.
After naming about 20 failed Fox shows, Peter concludes, “But I suppose if all those shows go down the tubes, we might have a shot.”
Amador said the show “kind of pushes the envelope.”
The show has become popular by putting a humorous and edgy spin on everything from politics to sexually orientated material and religion to bodily functions. Episodes have been rebroadcast on the Cartoon Network and TBS continuously since cancellation.ÿ
Robert O’Callahan, freshman in engineering, said it was a good episode. He said his favorite scene was when Brian dragged his butt along the living room carpet.ÿ
“My dog does that,” O’Callahan said.ÿ
“Fire Aft Torpedoes!” quoted Wei Liu, freshman in engineering, as he described his favorite scene with Stewie urinating on Brian during a diaper changing.ÿ
“It’s just so random it’s hilarious,” Liu said. “It’s like The Simpsons in that it deals with real issues in a satirical way.”