CCC: Outdoor cafes approved

By Kiyoshi Martinez

The Champaign City Council voted 8-0 to approve outdoor cafes along the Campustown Green Street area Tuesday evening and Councilwoman Kathy Ennen served in her final meeting.

The council will allow for a yearlong trial period to let businesses in the area to set up tables up to four feet from the front of their businesses into the sidewalk area. The new areas would include from Fourth to Wright streets along Green Street and Sixth to Wright streets along Daniels Street.

Currently, Champaign allows outdoor cafes in the downtown area, but the Campustown cafes will feature a few differences. Alcohol will not be served in the campus area and businesses would be required to pack away tables and chairs at 9 p.m., whereas downtown businesses are allowed to serve alcohol and do not have a closing time on cafe areas.

City staff made the recommendation to the council for an earlier closing time and that no alcohol is served after talks with law enforcement officials who they said expressed concerns that alcohol being served outdoors could increase aggressive behavior and promote ease of underage drinking. City staff said business owners had concerns with alcohol being served.

“A lot of them had concerns on a different number of levels, especially if (alcohol) wasn’t served with food,” said Kathleen Wilson, implementation planner for the city.

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The council also bid Ennen farewell, presenting her with a plaque and her locker nameplate. Mayor Jerry Schweighart thanked Ennen for her time serving the city of Champaign.

“You vote what you think is in the best interest of the people of Champaign,” Schweighart said.

Ennen said a thank you to the voters, council members, city staff and her family.