Breaking News: Protesters on quad preach to students

Josh Birnbaum The Daily Illini Damika Benya of Michigan, left, who said she was with Soul Winner’s Ministries International, preaches on the Quad on Thursday afternoon as Ashanti Barber, junior in LAS, tries to refute her claims. “Repent, sinners, repent!” screamed Benyah with a Bible in hand as Barber tried to tell people, “This girl is perverting the word of God.”
September 14, 2006
This afternoon a group calling themselves the “Soul Winners Ministries International” protested on the Quad.
The Christian group, which is not affiliated with the University, drew a crowd of about 30 people as they called for the crowds to repent, renounce all their sins, and accept Christianity as their religion.
Michael Benyah the Co-Founder of Soul Ministries International warned people of the day of judgement and the eternal damnation they would face if they did not accept Christianity.
Many people stopped to challenge what the group was preaching. Ashanti Barber, junior in LAS and self-proclaimed Christian, said she disagrees with the group.
Barber made her own fliers to hand out on the quad citing scriptures to disprove the Soul Winner Ministries International group.
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The Soul Winners Ministries International plans to make a reappearance on the quad tomorrow from 11-5pm. Their website is: