ON-AIR: Activists protest working conditions for tomato workers

By Hetal Bhatt

Local restaurants are being attacked for their participation in treating tomato workers poorly. Farmworkers and activists with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers demonstrated in front of Chipotle on Green Street last night. Protest coordinator Sean Sellers says Chipotle buys products from suppliers who pay their tomato pickers sweatshop prices.

“The additional and more important connection with Chipotle is that they claim their business is one of “food with integrity.” So the question that we’re posing to Chipotle is why does integrity not extend to the workers who are toiling in substandard working conditions for subpoverty wages.”

The demonstration was one of many stops in the Coalition’s campaign that started in the Florida cropfields. It arrives in Oak Brook, Illinois Friday, home of the McDonald’s Corporation. The protest is aimed mainly at McDonald’s – Seller says McDonald’s is the worst in worker treatment. The Coalition is hoping to raise awareness to the fight for a fair wage and the right of farmworkers to participate in the decision-making process. Both Chipotle and McDonald’s declined to comment.