10 suspicious devices create security scare in Boston

Two members of the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority police carry a bag of circuit board pieces after a suspicious package containing the boards was detonated by the Boston Bomb Squad near the Sullivan Square subway station in Boston, Wednesday morning, (AP Photo/Adam Hunger)


Two members of the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority police carry a bag of circuit board pieces after a suspicious package containing the boards was detonated by the Boston Bomb Squad near the Sullivan Square subway station in Boston, Wednesday morning, (AP Photo/Adam Hunger)

By The Associated Press

BOSTON – Ten blinking electronic devices planted at bridges and other spots in Boston threw a scare into the city Wednesday in what turned out to be a publicity campaign for a late-night cable cartoon.

At least one of the devices depicts a character giving the finger.

Highways, bridges and a section of the Charles River were shut down and bomb squads were sent in before authorities declared the devices were harmless.

“It’s a hoax – and it’s not funny,” said Gov. Deval Patrick.

Turner Broadcasting, a division of Time Warner Inc. and parent of Cartoon Network, said the devices were part of a promotion for the TV show “Aqua Teen Hunger Force,” a surreal series about talking food — a milk shake, a box of french fries and a meatball.

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“The packages in question are magnetic lights that pose no danger,” Turner said in a statement.

It said the devices have been in place for two to three weeks in 10 cities: Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Ore., Austin, Texas, San Francisco and Philadelphia.

“We regret that they were mistakenly thought to pose any danger,” the company said.

The marketing company responsible for the campaign, Interference Inc., had no immediate comment.

A woman who answered the phone at the New York-based firm’s offices on Wednesday afternoon said the firm’s CEO was out of town and would not be able to comment until Thursday.

Police said only that they were investigating where the device came from, but angry Mayor Thomas Menino said a stiff penalty will be pursued against whoever was responsible for the devices.

“It’s about keeping a city on edge. It’s about public safety,” he said.

Homeland Security Department spokesman Russ Knocke praised Boston authorities for sharing their knowledge quickly with Washington officials and the public.

“Hoaxes are a tremendous burden on local law enforcement and counter-terrorism resources and there’s absolutely no place for them in a post-9/11 world,” Knocke said.

Authorities said some of the objects looked like circuit boards or had wires hanging from them.

The first device was found at a subway and bus station underneath Interstate 93, forcing the shutdown of the station and the highway.

Later, police said four calls, all around 1 p.m., reported devices at the Boston University Bridge and the Longfellow Bridge, both of which span the Charles River, at a Boston street corner and at the Tufts-New England Medical Center.

The package near the Boston University bridge was found attached to a structure beneath the span, authorities said.

Subway service across the Longfellow Bridge between Boston and Cambridge was briefly suspended, and Storrow Drive was closed as well.

A similar device was found Wednesday evening just north of Fenway Park, police spokesman Eddy Chrispin said.

“Aqua Teen Hunger Force” is a cartoon with a cultish following that airs as part of the Adult Swim late-night block of programs for adults on the Cartoon Network.

A feature-length film based on the show is slated for release March 23.