Briefs: Health fair to be held this weekend at Worden-Martin
September 11, 2007
The second annual Worden-Martin Health and Safety Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15 at the Worden-Martin Carriage Center, located off Neil Street and Route 45.
The Illinois State Police will demonstrate what happens to passengers not wearing seatbelts in a rollover crash through a rollover simulator. Arrow Ambulance will make ID cards for children, which will include their fingerprints provided by the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office. In addition, police cars, fire trucks, ambulances and an Air Life helicopter will be on display.
The fair will include demonstrations and activities provided by the Fitness Center, Canadian National Railroad, Champaign, Savoy and Urbana fire departments and the Illinois National Guard. Health and safety information will also be available.
Pre-Med seminar focuses on social responsibility
Global Medical Bridges, a nonprofit health organization that provides innovative solutions for the health care crisis in South America, is partnering with the American Medical Student Association to present a seminar called Pre-Med Jumpstart. This year’s theme for Jumpstart is Social Responsibility Opportunities for pre-med students. The seminar will be from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday at 141 Wohlers Hall. Registration is required and can be accessed at
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American Advertising Federation to hold meeting
The University chapter of the American Advertising Federation will hold its first general meeting today at 7 p.m., 141 Wohlers Hall. Resume workshops, speakers, networking opportunities and trips to New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and London will be discussed.
Students will be informed of University involvement in the Illinois Ad Club, as well as the National Student Advertising Competition.
Student interested in advertising, communication and creative professional fields are encouraged to attend.
For more information, please contact the American Advertising Federation communications director, Chris Nilsen, at 549-2885 or [email protected].
Compiled by Bridget Maiellaro and Julian Scharmann.