Student group works to educate women about risks of abortion

Erica Magda
December 3, 2008
Students for Life Illinois passed out fliers on the quad to educate students about the potential risks associated with abortion Wednesday afternoon.
“I think on a college campus that it is assumed that abortion is a good thing for women,” said John-Paul Deddens, the executive director of SFL Illinois. “It is rarely re-examined.”
The fliers the group passed out listed reasons that abortion is dangerous for women such as the risk of death, emotional problems and other physical problems.
“We are hoping people will re-examine their assumptions and not take things for granted,” Deddens said.
Several other campuses in the nation are also focusing on the topic of abortion’s risks for women today and the rest of the week. Deddens said he hopes that this will help in the discussion of pro-life versus pro-choice.
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“Most pro-choice organizations talk ask ‘what about the woman?’ and most pro-life ask ‘what about the baby?'” said Deddens. “We’re trying to answer the woman question.”
The group passed out fliers from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
“The reaction has been generally apathetic,” said Mandy Folley, junior in LAS who helped pass out information. “Most people don’t pay much attention, but they are very cordial.”
Deddens and Folley both agree that they encountered good conversation about the topic.
“A couple people contested whether the information was true,” Folley said. “Hopefully they will look into it more, but I think we found some common ground.”