Top 10 most notable summer police reports

By Aaron Navarro, Assistant Daytime News Editor

With a college campus and two towns, Champaign-Urbana keeps itself busy at almost all times, crime included. Here are 10 noteworthy ones that we found from the summer. (Source: University of Illinois Police Department)

A missing person’s report for an 80-year-old U. of I. student was resolved on Aug. 3. According to the Aug. 9 report, the 80-year-old had been reported missing since August 1. It was determined he was just out of the country and not endangered.

An incident of vandalism was reported in the Armory on Aug. 3. According to the report, a University employee found that someone had drawn two swastikas with red marker in a third floor hallway of the Armory. It was believed to have occurred overnight between August 1 and Aug. 7.

A robbery was reported from a construction site in the 2300 block of South First Street between July 20 and July 21. According to the report, tools were stolen between 3 p.m. Wednesday and 7 a.m. Thursday. The total value of the tools was estimated to be $10,000.

A 72-year-old woman was given a citation for damaging a brick retaining wall in the 1100 block of West Oregon Street on July 19. According to the report, the wall was struck after the woman’s attempt to park at a meter. The estimated repair cost was $7,500. A citation was issued for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident.

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An incident of sexual assault was reported on the Main Quad around 10 p.m. on July 13. According to the report, a student was sexually assaulted around 10:15 p.m. by a person known to the victim.

Assault was reported in the 1900 block of South First Street around 9:00 p.m. on July 8. According to the report, the offender stole the victim’s political-themed hat, and the victim then chased him. When he caught up to the offender, the offender tossed the hat aside and struck the victim.

Three people were arrested on multiple charges near Goodwin and Springfield avenues around 2:30 a.m. on July 5. According to the report, the arrests were made following a traffic stop after the car was drifting into the opposite traffic lane several times. UIPD found two handguns in the vehicle, one of which had a serial number filed off. The driver of the vehicle was a 19-year-old from Mississippi; the driver was arrested on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol, unlawful use of weapons, fleeing from police, improper lane usage and driving with headlights nor a license. A 21-year-old from Champaign was arrested on charges of unlawful use of weapons and defacement of a firearm. A 23-year-old from Champaign was arrested on charges of unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon and resisting a police officer.

A firearm incident was reported in the 600 block of East Daniel Street around 1 a.m. on July 17. According to the report, witnesses reported that a large group of people were in an argument across the street from a campus bar. A man in the group reportedly fired a single shot into the air and people in the vicinity fled from the area. Police are continuing to investigate.

A robbery was reported in the Armory between 3 p.m. June 15 and 8 a.m. June 16. According to the report, a University employee reported a bench was stolen from a hallway in the Armory. The bench had an estimated value of $3,000.

A 47-year-old Champaign man was arrested on multiple charges near Green and Randolph Streets in Champaign around 6 p.m. on June 7. According to the report, he was arrested on charges of outstanding warrants, failure to appear in court, resisting a police officer and attempting to bring cocaine into a penal institution. The offender ran after a police officer recognized him and was aware of the warrants. While being brought to jail, he was attempting to conceal cocaine in his pants.