Gas leak blocks off Green Street

Local firefighters block off access to Green Street.

By Jessica Berbey

A gas leak was reported in the 1100 block of West Green Street between Engineering Hall and the Material Sciences Building in Urbana at around 9:30 a.m. on Friday.

It has resulted in the blocking off of Green Street from Wright Street to South Mathews Avenue.

An Illini Alert was issued around 10:30 a.m., notifying the emergency has ended. However, roads are still blocked.

Sergeant Jason Bradley said the leak was caused by construction in the area. He said construction was doing in-core work, when they hit a gas line, causing the leak.

Cars have been blocked from traveling in front of the Union until the problem has been fixed, he said.

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Students have also been directed around walking through the area.

“Until we know exactly what is going on, we try to keep cars out of the area,” Bradley said.

Keeping cars and other traffic from the area prevents the scene from becoming congested, he said. The police did not want to hinder people fixing the leak by having traffic in the area.

Bradley said a leak like this usually does not take long to fix, and traffic on West Green should be able to resume in an hour.

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