The Daily Illini wins second place in general excellence at ICPA
Photo courtesy of Ljupka Gjorgjevska
The Daily Illini staff traveled to Chicago on Saturday for the Illinois College Press Association award ceremony.
February 17, 2018
The Daily Illini won more than 20 awards, including second place in general excellence for daily collegiate newspapers and first place in online news site, at the Illinois College Press Association annual conference in Chicago this weekend.
Dozens of Illinois college newspapers attended the conference and more than 1,000 entries were submitted in the competition.
The Vidette from Illinois State University won first place in general excellence for daily collegiate newspaper.
General excellence:
First place
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Editorial cartoon:
Second place
Front page layout:
Third place
Feature page layout:
First place
Sports page layout:
Honorable mention
Creative works
Advertisement less than full page:
First place — Creative works staff
Third place — Creative works staff
In-house promotional ads:
Honorable mention
Advertising campaign
First place — Creative works staff
News story:
Third place
Sports news story:
Honorable mention
Sports story:
First place
Sports feature story:
Honorable mention
Sports column:
Honorable mention
Second place
Features story:
Honorable mention
In-depth reporting
Honorable mention
Second place
Features photo:
Third place
Spot news photo:
Third place
Second place
Classified section:
Third place
Copy writing
Headline writing:
Third place
Multimedia reporting
First place
Second place