Police arrest suspect of human trafficking scheme
The Circle K on North Cunningham Avenue in Urbana on Sunday morning is pictured above. Police arrested a suspect of a human trafficking scheme here on Friday night.
November 2, 2020
University Police arrested a man Friday night who was involved in a kidnapping scheme, UIPD announced Saturday morning.
The 27-year-old male suspect was arrested on the charges of aggravated kidnapping and forcible detention, according to police. The suspect allegedly demanded the parents of the victim pay a ransom for the victim’s release.
The incident involved at least one 25-year-old victim and he wasn’t physically injured at the time of the suspect’s arrest.
UIPD learned Friday afternoon that a meeting set up to exchange custody of the victim for money was to occur at a gas station in the 1800 block of North Cunningham Avenue in Urbana.
Investigators worked Friday night to determine if any other individuals were involved in the incident. The investigation is still ongoing.