Scheduled to start on Thursday at 7:30 p.m., State Farm Center’s “Thursday Night Live” was canceled at around 8 p.m.
The show would have featured Colin Jost, a head writer at “Saturday Night Live.” Andrew Dismukes and Marcello Hernandez would have opened the event.
The announcement came from the center’s speakers, who said the event would be postponed due to an “unexpected weather-related air-travel disruption” that affected all three performers. Ticket holders were told they would receive updates via email or online at
A single boo came out from the crowd after the announcement.
“I was really stoked for this, and now it’s kind of disappointing because I just sat here for an hour,” said Krescene Holscher, junior in ACES.
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Holscher said one of her favorite parts of “Saturday Night Live” is a satirical news program called “Weekend Update,” which Colin Jost has co-hosted since 2014.
“As soon as everyone stood up and left, I was waiting for the punchline,” Holscher said. “It has to be a joke, right?”
Alyssa Ramir, graduate student studying veterinary medicine, came to see the show with her friends.
“We were all very upset that Colin Jost couldn’t make it tonight,” Ramir said. “We all bonded over Colin Jost and SNL in undergrad.”
Emma Baker, a University alum, came to Champaign-Urbana to visit Ramir and her other friends for the weekend. She currently lives in Cary, Illinois, a three-hour drive from the University.
“We were just thinking (Colin Jost) was taking a long time, thought he would come on eventually, maybe one of the openers was just missing,” Baker said. “We did not expect this.”
In an update posted to their website on Monday, State Farm Center said there are no current plans for “Thursday Night Live” to be rescheduled. Refunds will be issued to the original form of payment for all tickets and prepaid parking, the site said.
Ticket holders with questions should contact the Illinois Ticket Office at, the site said.