Obamas hand out food at Chicago church

President-elect Barack Obama, second from right, his wife Michelle Obama, left, and daughters Sasha, 7, second from the left, and Malia, 10, second from the right, greet people at a food bank, sponsored by the Greater Chicago Food Depository, Wednesday, N Pablo Martinez Monsivais, The Associated Press
November 21, 2008
CHICAGO – President-elect Barack Obama and the soon-to-be first family handed out food to the needy at a Chicago church on the day before Thanksgiving.
Obama, his wife Michelle and their two daughters shook hands and gave holiday wishes as they handed wrapped chickens to people who had been lined up for hours at the food bank.
The president-elect, dressed casually in a leather jacket, black scarf and khaki pants, was in a jovial mood, calling out “happy thanksgiving” and telling people “you can call me Barack.”
His wife and daughters wore stocking hats, winter coats and gloves as the family worked the food bank in the outdoor church courtyard.