Champaign Police report high number of burglaries to motor vehicles
November 8, 2013
Over the past month, there have been 11 reports of stolen vehicles, according to a press release from the Champaign Police Department. There were also 34 reports of burglaries to motor vehicles reported in Champaign from Oct. 22 to Oct. 31.
Rene Dunn, assistant to the chief of police, said Champaign Police do not know if the reported thefts and burglaries are related.
To avoid burglaries in the future, the police department is encouraging residents of Champaign not to have their personal property such as wallets, purses and backpacks, visible in the vehicle.
The police department is also warning people to lock valuables in a trunk and to never leave windows opened.
If a burglary occurs, CPD recommends that victims do not touch the items in their vehicles until the police has been contacted and to provide them with serial numbers of all stolen items.