MTD will reroute buses as part of ongoing Green St construction

Emma Li

Bus 9A arrives at the bus stop in front of the Illini bookstore on Thursday, Oct 06, 2016.

By Gillian Dunlop, Staff Writer

Construction on Green Street, Armory Avenue, White Street and Wright Street will force Champaign-Urbana MTD buses to implement alternative routes, Karl Gnadt CUMTD director said at the Illinois Student Government meeting Wednesday.

The project is funded in part by a $15 million grant given to MTD by the Federal Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Gnadt said.

The construction means there will be no buses running on either Green or Neil streets for a period of time.

“Whenever we do a reroute we try to stick to the old route as much as possible,” Gnadt said.  

More information on the new routes and this project is expected to be released in the next few days.

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The Illinois Student Government welcomed another guest, Tracy Kleparski, assistant director of the office of diversity, equity, and access, to the meeting. Kleparski asked the government to support DiversityEDU30, an online program offered in each college that helps educate students on diversity and inclusion. The program was implemented in fall 2015, but Kleparski hopes to spread more awareness of it through senate support.

“We wanted to do this because we felt like our campus needed a baseline of information,” she said. “We are giving everyone an introduction to diversity knowledge.”

Going along with diversity and inclusion, an announcement was made that the Native American and Indigenous Student Organization will be collecting shirts with Chief Illini on them from students and replacing them with University t-shirts from March 1-10.

The only resolution passed at the meeting was to spend around $500 to feature the government in the Illio yearbook.

All other resolutions were either postponed indefinitely or sent back to committee for revisions.