UI joins top 16 in Tinder Swipe Off for Cardi B concert

By Samantha Boyle, Assistant Daytime News Editor

Cardi B will come to campus on April 25 if students at the University can swipe right on Tinder more times than other schools in the country.

The Tinder Swipe Off started with 64 schools competing in six rounds. Schools with the least number of swipes are eliminated each round. Round five will start on Monday, with eight schools competing for the championship round.

The other schools still competing in the contest in round four include Princeton University, Harvard University, Boston University, Florida State University, Duke University, Pennsylvania State University and 10 others.

“I’ve definitely been swiping, but I won’t swipe on really weird people, but definitely more than I ever have in my entire life,” said Bessie Cohen, sophomore in AHS.

According to the Swipe Off rules, the first 200 students who swipe right on a profile made by Tinder that promotes the concert will be attending the concert.

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“I think we have a pretty good shot (at winning) actually; there’s so many people that go to school here that it actually might happen and so many people are on Tinder,” Cohen said.

According to Tinder, the app gets about 1.6 billion swipes per day and has over 20 billion matches.

Cohen said she and everyone she knows would be excited if the University won the concert.

Tinder is only counting right swipes that occur on campus and “no right swipes completed off-campus will be counted, even if completed by an eligible participant.”

To be eligible, participants must have an active Tinder account and must be able to provide proof of attendance to the respected school.   

Creating this contest and promoting it is a good way for Tinder to gain back a lot of popularity, Cohen said.

“There are a lot of other dating apps, so I think if Tinder’s popularity is going down it’d be a good way to get a billion people swiping and really into it,” she said.

Some of her friends have even only downloaded Tinder because they heard about the contest, Cohen said. “It’s a good way to get people on the app.”
