What’s with the giant nut?

Mark Capapas

The Planter’s experiential marketing vehicle titled the “Nutmobile” sits in between Gregory and Lincoln Hall Tuesday evening.

By The Daily Illini Staff Report

Over the past week, students have been greeted to the whimsical and confusing sight of the Planters NUTmobile, a vehicle in the shape of a giant peanut, parked around campus. 

The NUTmobile marked its territory on Feb. 11 at the Main Quad due to an experimental marketing campaign by the company Planters to recruit graduating seniors at the University.

Dan Cory, brand spokesperson for Planters, said he and his team travel 48 out of the 52 weeks to different cities to recruit students around the country.

“We are actually driving to Florida next week,” he said. “By travel, I mean we are traveling the whole country.”

According to Cory, there are only three NUTmobiles in the country. He said most people they encounter or interact with have never seen the it before.

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Although the NUTmobiles are small in number, all are racking up significant mileage and brand attention for the campaign.

“We drive into a new spot normally on Monday,” Cory said. “We get off-days, so our weekend is probably like a Tuesday or Wednesday, and then we work Thursday through Sunday, going to different fairs, festivals and grocery stores.”
