Letter: Free to criticize
September 7, 2004
I wonder if all of those who hailed the protesters outside the Republican National Convention as the true representatives of reasoned debate, free speech and democracy really had taken a good look at them. Already almost 2,000 of these praised “heroes of democracy” were accused of various illegal acts, including, but not limited to trespassing; throwing bottles and other projectiles at the police (who did not even wear helmets so as not to overly intimidate the protesters); and even severely beating a police detective. Moreover, through their acts of “civil disobedience,” they attempted on several occasions to bring the entire convention to a halt.
If conventions are the means in which candidates are formerly nominated to run for the presidency after primary elections have been held, then aren’t the protesters actually trying to stop democracy in action?
I understand that people have a right to express their opinions freely, but whether we have to praise them for it is an entirely different matter. In a free society, people not only are allowed to protest, they also are allowed, believe it or not, to criticize protesters.
Apparently many of those who criticized Ms. Sharp’s letter on Tuesday may have forgotten that in their cacophony of neo-McCarthyist, self-righteous, moral outrage.
David Wolpa
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