Letter: Column has character

By The Daily Illini

I would like to applaud the column “Illini imbeciles” by Jon Monteith for giving the opinions page exactly what it needs: a good kick in the junk.

Most of the columnists’ writing is bland, uneventful and extremely predictable. They lack the fire and the guts to come out and say something that hasn’t been already hashed over a thousand times. I don’t need to read another half-page from a spineless writer who dances around the latest polls or political maneuver.

Nothing ever is truly debated, nothing new ever is said; they are preaching to the choir. Every column ends with a predictable call to arms to fight some evil, even though this call has been made before – fight racism, fight guns, fight President Bush.

Jon Monteith’s writing lacks this fake depth and instead has real character. He wrote about imbeciles, and perhaps he is one himself, but bravo for not whoring out your column to write about some clich‚ “fight for your rights” drivel.

Joseph Kimball

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