Letter: Sorry, nobody’s perfect

By The Daily Illini

Despite the fact I did not fully agree with Jon Monteith’s column on Monday, I do respect his views toward people on this campus. What I did not like is the response he was given on Thursday. In the letter titled, “Sorry, Mr. Perfect,” two students seem to help prove Monteith’s point of view with their pretentious speech.

The arguments presented in this letter to the editor are blatantly ignorant. Never once in the article did Jon say he was working to finish a journalism assignment three weeks early, but rather he said he was working on a research paper – a normal college occurrence. I don’t know about you, but if I were working on a major assignment – a research paper, medical school applications or anything school-related – I would much rather do that without having to hear my roommate hooking up about three feet away.

Jon also never condemns the actions of drinking and getting action. He simply did not like the mentality where those are your two main goals. I don’t know if you read a different copy of this column than I, but the one I read said he didn’t enjoy having to listen to his roommate’s drunken lovemaking. I don’t feel that is too large of a request. You say he is trying to sound intelligent, because he uses the word “physics” in his letter?

I think the use of “Newtonian Mechanics” is way more conceited.

Guys, next time, before you get all excited about a story in The Daily Illini, make sure what you’re saying doesn’t sound worse than the column you are writing your rebuttal toward.

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David Canfield

junior in business

Michael Anderson

junior in engineering