Letter: Drug usage not heroic

By The Daily Illini

In regards to Kai Wilson’s rant about her courtroom testimony being scrutinized by the prosecution because she is a marijuana user, I have to ask why she can become so irratated about it. Kai, you made the choice to use illegal narcotics, and believe it or not, being a known drug user will cause people to doubt your credibility. If I were a lawyer cross-examining you, I would have done exactly the same thing. I would have thought you’d be used to it by now, but being mistrusted is part of the course when you use drugs.

Frankly, Kai, I don’t see how it is that someone like you can be so proud of their usage of drugs. Do you get a rush from defiantly defending your status as a pothead, like you’re some kind of hero for a cause? I’m almost embarrassed that we share the same alma mater. Next time, why don’t you just whine about it to your friends while you pass around a joint at a Dave Matthews concert and not bother to garner sympathy from readers of The Daily Illini?

Denny Gibbons

sophomore in business