Staff Editorial: Swinger vote

Matt Vroom
September 28, 2004
It’s a sad day for democracy when sex is used as an incentive to encourage voting. Two online advocacy groups – and (FTV) – have been set up to offer a service that trades sex
for votes on Election Day.
Those who sign up with Votergasm pledge to vote on Nov. 2 and promise to have sex with another pledged member after voting. Likewise, those who sign up with FTV agree not to vote for President Bush in exchange for sex. Both Web sites encourage members to throw house parties on Election Day so members can fulfill their pledges.
FTV’s partisan goals are futile and an embarrassment to the Democratic Party. After all, what stops a Bush supporter from simply lying about his or her vote? And do Democrats really want to be associated with an advocacy group that encourages sexual promiscuity? Similarly, Votergasm might increase voter turnout among young adults, but it will not be for the correct reasons.
There is nothing wrong with sex, but encouraging voting through promiscuity should not be seen as positive. The point of democracy is for citizens to cast votes based on the merits of a candidate. By offering sex as a bribe, both online advocacy groups encourage blind, careless voting.
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Incentive-based voting might work in the short run, but the purpose behind democracy is lost. Motivation for voting must come from within. Convincing others of the importance of civic duty is the only way to
make a lasting impression.
Votergasm and FTV are just the beginning. We cringe to think what the legacy of these Web sites will be in future elections. To ensure that voters make it to the polls, will curb-side orgies eventually be offered?
Some might think Votergasm and FTV are clever ways to bring young adults into the voting process. However, bribery is not the answer. Rock the Vote and are two organizations that get it right. Rock the Vote uses entertainment and pop culture to show young adults that voting is important and relevant. encourages social networking and political activism by bringing together members of a community who share common interests or causes.
Morality aside, if and are going to continue with their campaigns, the least they could do is encourage safe sex and responsible drinking on Election Night. Otherwise, in four years, these groups might find themselves offering day-care services in exchange for ballot casting.