Letter: Green’s comments wrong

By The Daily Illini

Funny David Green should talk about digging one’s self deeper into a hole. In a single letter, he managed to defend the deliberate slaughter of children as a legitimate response to U.S. and Israeli policies, liken our student organizations to those who support the aforementioned brutal tactics and suggest that the civilized nations of the world should have sent even more money for Saddam to build lavish palaces while the Iraqi people starved.

I particularly enjoyed Green’s comments on U.S. “aggression” and “destruction” through sanctions in Iraq, which supposedly took the lives of thousands of Iraqis. I suppose that the 400,000 Iraqi bodies found in 270 mass graves across Iraq was the United States’s fault as well. I am also sure that Saddam Hussein’s palaces, paid for with billions of dollars from the Iraqi people, had nothing to do with Iraq’s mass starvation at the time.

Green argued that Israeli aggression was responsible for Palestinian suicide bombings, which began in April 1994, following the Oslo Accords that gave the Palestinian Authority sovereignty over territory in the West Bank and Gaza. Yes, Israel’s decision to cede territory to a future Palestinian state allowed for Arafat’s corruption to begin suicide bombings in Israel.

Mr. Green, in your rambling about Elie Dvorin’s racism, and the hole into which he “shamelessly” dug himself, you failed to look in the mirror. Dvorin might have been quite controversial and somewhat offensive at first, but his later emphasis that most Muslims are not terrorists and that Islam does not necessarily teach violence has demonstrated that he is not a racist. I cannot say the same for you, Mr. Green, for research and evidence, combined with your logic, brings about one conclusion: Those “horrible” Israelis and their democracy are restricting the wealth of the great Arab dictators.

Jeremy Glassenberg

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