Letter: Pot use not sympathetic

By The Daily Illini

In regards to Kai Wilson’s rant about the prosecution scrutinizing her courtroom testimony because of her marijuana use, I have to ask why she became so irate about it. Kai, you made the choice to use illegal narcotics, and believe it or not, being a known drug user will cause people to doubt your credibility. I would have thought you’d have known that by now; and if I were a lawyer cross-examining you, I would have done exactly the same thing.

Frankly, Kai, I don’t see how someone like you can be so proud of their drug use. Do you get a rush from defiantly defending your status as a pothead, like you’re some kind of hero? I’m almost embarrassed that we share the same alma mater. Next time, why don’t you just whine about it to your friends while you pass around a joint at a Dave Matthews concert and not bother to garner sympathy from readers of The Daily Illini?

Denny Gibbons

sophomore in business