Opinion: My ideal candidate

Tim Eggerding

Tim Eggerding

By Kiyoshi Martinez

Some newspapers already have made presidential endorsements. The New York Times promotes Sen. John Kerry and The Chicago Tribune favors President Bush. Not wanting to be left behind, I’ve decided to announce my presidential endorsement.

The choice of which candidate to endorse this November is a tough decision to make. Before making such a critical determination, you have to know which values of a presidential candidate are important. Some people vote based on a single issue; others vote on current events. Perhaps the state of the economy or taxes influence your vote – or if you’re a total tool, you’ll let your religious convictions decide whom you vote for. For me, however, it comes down to three simple values a candidate should possess.

The first value I look for is a candidate’s ability to tell the truth. This isn’t a tally of who tells the truth more often, or who is more truthful. I want a candidate who can stand there, look me and the rest of U.S. citizens in the eyes and give us the terrible, awful, sad truth. For once, I’d love to vote for a candidate who doesn’t throw me his spin-doctor rhetoric. I want a candidate who is a pessimist and a realist, but who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is to the people. My president would confess his mistakes and apologize when he was wrong. As unbelievable as it sounds, for once, I’d like to have a leader who is an honest politician.

Secondly, I want a candidate who will stand for justice. I want a president who will punish criminals for their actions of deviance. Our president should be willing to take all means necessary to scour the ends of the earth to root out terrorists and stop them. We need a president of action, not just tough talk. At the same time, our nation’s leader must remember that our rights and freedoms are what make the United States the greatest nation in the world. Because of this, our leader has to protect the principles of our country while defending them from those who wish to see our rights erode. He would understand that society works best when people can reasonably work together to pursue happiness without threat to life and liberty.

Finally, I’ll only endorse a candidate who believes in the American way. Our president should put the United States and its interests first. I want a candidate who believes in capitalism and never flirts with the dangers of socialism. Our president should believe and know that U.S. citizens are the most important assets not only to this country, but to the entire world.

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My president would be a real patriot, not a coward. The only president fit for command would be a man who knows that to stay on top, we have to maintain the laws of the land, stand for equality, promote tolerance and have a strong education system. He would kick the corrupt conservatives and lying liberals out of Washington and work to build a government that was directly responsible to the constituency.

With these values in mind, and with the election race winding down, I’ve decided whom to endorse for president. I believe that my criteria are straightforward and fair, but somehow both candidates have managed to fail.

Bush and Kerry both have their respective strong points, but each has far more weaknesses. I refuse to endorse President Bush for four more years after overwhelming evidence has proven the incompetence that exists in the current administration. Also, I cannot endorse Sen. Kerry because his statements contradict his actions. Kerry has succeeded in creating an enigma that rivals Thomas Jefferson’s.

To be frank, neither of these men represent “Truth, Justice and the American Way.” Therefore, my endorsement goes to the only man who has consistently stood for those values throughout his career.

In 2004, my endorsement is for Superman.

Kiyoshi Martinez is a junior in journalism. His column runs Tuesdays. He can be reached at [email protected].