Other campus: Media can’t kill (Baylor U.)
October 14, 2005
(U-WIRE) WACO, Texas – Lately, the media has become the scapegoat in some legal battles.
On Oct. 6, convicted murderer Ronald Ray Howard was sentenced to death after being found guilty for shooting and killing a police officer in 1992.
During the murder trial, Howard’s attorneys argued his constant exposure to rap music with violent anti-police lyrics caused Howard to pull the trigger when Davidson approached the vehicle.
There are a few problems with this theory.
First of all, Howard’s attorneys treat the case as if violent rap music were the sole reason he killed.
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But many more factors go into murder than simply what music the killer listens to or what video games he or she plays.
Another hole in the attorneys’ theory is that Howard subjected himself to the influences he said made him kill. Even assuming the music did influence him to commit murder, he chose what to play in his car. It would be like taking drugs and committing crimes, then claiming it was just the drugs that made you do it.
It’s a reflection of our culture today that such an argument could be considered in court.
In the end, a murder is still a murder. Howard wasn’t criminally insane. He didn’t need psychiatric help. He killed a man. It was the right decision to make Howard bear responsibility for his actions.
Staff Editorial
The Lariat (Baylor U.)