Letter from the opinions editor: Provoking thought: A call to action
April 20, 2006
Do you hate John Bambenek? Does Eric Naing make your blood boil? Are you still baffled that there’s only one girl on the columnist staff?
This is your chance to speak.
The Daily Illini Opinions page is a forum for every voice in the University community. But if you’re not content with sending in a letter every now and then, if you think you have more to offer, if you have passion enough to fill 500 words a week – I want you.
The Opinions department is undergoing reconstruction this summer, and unlike Campus Rec, it won’t take three years to complete. We’re creating new features, a new writing program, and a whole new design. In light of this, we need writers and artists of all kinds, and we’re currently filling the following positions:
Columnists: Responsible for sparking debate, offering provocative ideas, reporting on the campus community, researching and diagnosing the ills facing our community. They make us laugh, they make us think, they make us write angry letters.
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Editorial Cartoonists: Responsible for drawing their opinions multiple times a week in the confines of a four by three inch box. It’s a column and a drawing in one.
We want to hear everyone: Engineering to ag majors. Students black, white, brown, red, yellow and purple. Hippie tree-hugging liberals to money-grubbing conservatives.
We’re holding an informational session Wednesday, April 26, at 7 p.m., at The Daily Illini building, 57 E. Green St., Champaign.
Come make us think.