Letter to the Editor: Make the ‘boring’ federal budget exciting
April 2, 2017
As we creep closer to the 100 day mark in the Trump Presidency we have seen very few policies that have been implemented that have been viewed positively. We have seen a Supreme Court pick that is expecting to be blocked by Senate Democrats. We have seen two failed attempts at a travel ban that was widely labeled a “Muslim Ban.” Just recently, we saw a failed attempt to repeal Obamacare.
One thing that has not even been mentioned is a balanced budget. It is the boring numbers topic that we the people need to make exciting. As I write, our national debt is closing in on $20 trillion, and no one talks about it. Many people fail to understand what the numbers mean, but we must call on our representatives to balance the budget as soon as possible. It would require major cuts in programs within the government, it might hurt some people, but if nothing is done about our broken budget system, everyone will be hurt.
And yet, no one in the media, government or in public talks about the budget. More controversial issues that continue to divide people and bring partisanship even more into the forefront are discussed, and that NEEDS to change. The issues that could actually effect the future of America greatly are being pushed to the lower levels of importance.
I am calling on our Representative Rodney Davis and all of us citizens to advocate for a balanced budget. It is the issue that could dismantle the future of not only how we live as Americans, but how America thrives as a whole, and it is an issue that would prepare America for a future of hope and prosperity.
Josh is a senior in ACES.