Letter to the Editor: Gun regulation is needed
October 6, 2017
Fifty-nine gone and thousands of lives changed forever. Once again, the seemingly never-ending argument over gun control has initiated. Although, the problem with regulation seems to not be so much about whether or not to regulate, but the perception of rights being taken away and the need to always resist the opposite political party.
Over 80 percent of registered voters think gun violence is a problem, support background checks for private and gun show sales, and want to prevent people with a mental illness from obtaining a gun. Yet, whenever the phrase “gun control” is voiced, the immediate response for some Americans is to close off all conversation.
With over 11,000 deaths due to guns in 2017, gun violence needs to be treated like any other public health problem. Congress has a responsibility to allow the Center for Disease Control to study gun violence in effort to reduce the number of deaths and make a safer environment.
The purpose of regulation is not to take away guns used for sporting and protection, but to decrease the likelihood of harm to the larger society. The conversation around gun violence needs to take this new public health approach, but citizens and Congress need to be open to the conversation.
Guns have tremendously transformed since the Second Amendment was created. Shouldn’t their regulations transform in synchrony?
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Sydney is a senior in Social Work.